Re-Engage Volunteering

As most people that know me will know, I am a fan of giving back wherever you can, and have done various volunteer work throughout my time, from Young Carers, Brownies and currently I am volunteering for Re-Engage.

I love Re-Engage as it for older people that live alone that could become socially isolated. We provide social activities once a month for up to six or seven older guests, at a time of their life when their social circles may be diminishing. I am a driver that collects and delivers guests to the social events. Along with four or five other drivers (my daughter being one, nothing like roping in family where you can) we collect our guests and deliver them to hosts who put on an afternoon tea for them. We have a very good co-ordinator Paula, who whips us all in to action once a month.

We have had some very lavish afternoon teas provided by our hosts. We have attended the Cranfield Air Cadets where they let the guests have a go of the simulator to land a plane, they had such fun trying that out. They attended a 1940’s Day laid on by the Brownies with songs they all sang along to, a Flute Recital and Steal the Present Game at Christmas was a hoot.

We attended Millbrook Golf Club and Ridgmont Tea Rooms where they both laid on a sumptuous spreads. We have had some really special afternoon teas laid on by some very generous hosts in their own homes, all who ask for nothing in return, other than bringing pleasure to the older generation.

It really is a joy to see and hear from the guests how much they enjoy their afternoon teas.